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A member registered Aug 06, 2020

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Yeah, i didn't really have time to make a lose scene. My idea was that tyou should attack slower and a mini map like a dungeon crawler after defeating an enemy, and if you have greed, Jimmy will try to find treasure, while high anger will make him want to fight more, and medium caution and low anger/greed would make so he goes to a inn and heals. But I never had time for that (I mean probably if I had started making it eariler, cuz i started when it was basically 25hr left, but I had a few other bugs.. gonna fix them rn actually)

I at least wanted any way to heal cuz rn there's no way to recover health. I am gonna make some "quick" updates tho. (in another version)
(already started, but i'm gonna realize a less buggy version... probably today actually)

cuz it's actually impossible to make him perform the shield move, cuz i f:ed some stuff up. but it's a quick fix

You can cheese the game a bit if you take a green liquid into the blue liquid area and win much faster (you take a bomb liquid in the room before and save a beaker to have green in to the blue area).
This is a great game it was really fun trying to cheese it. I really like alternate endings like winning with cheese.  I like use of the stable and unstable theme it's very creative idea. I like it...   :)

I've made everything in the first workshop.
now and then a felt done.
   First:  Save, Pause, Menu, Hearts, Achievements!
1. chests/stacking?   (much stuff)
My "house" was filled with stuff all over.
2. making robots that sort in a random order every time they finish sorting.
then it becomes a little bit more sorted but still out of control.   (just irritating)
3. building "one-block-farms" to have in your house that generates stuff.
its boring to just walk, gather, craft over and over again.  (brewing with water)
4. upgrading your house.
why not of course, more fun!   (bigger wheel!)
5. recycle bin.
gives you a random common item in return   (too much of something)
6. some how get double jump
it's fair with the bigger house.   (or platforms)
7. upgrading everything
house, rope, workshops.    (less boring)
8. any kind of enemies.
spicy it up a bit.    (spicy=0 ?)
9. More "houses"
More "fun"     (out of control!!)
10. slopes!
Imagine a 3 sec down slope!   (crazy fun for 3 secs)
11. craft portal to different biome
advanced?    (more potential)
12. costumes
fancy!   (fancy!!)
13. bosses?
of course!   (milestone?!)
14. NPCs
perfection!    (not lonely! Yay!)
15.  Co-op!
share the "fun"   (it could be hard to implement...)

You don't need to add everything!
But it's what I've found that could improve.
 #They are not ordered only many ideas#

I as a 14 y/o really liked this game!!!
And hope you'll make other creative "base builders"
that isn't that irritating rotating.  

             /Med vänliga hälsningar "tomtekillen"